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Interested in getting involved with SMCSU? The election documents can be found at the bottom of this page. Completed Nomination Packages should be emailed to the Chief Returning Officer (CRO), before the end of the Nomination Period. For questions regarding the elections, please contact the CRO at For questions about the council positions, or if you are unsure if you should run, please contact, or come visit the councillors during the office hours.
Candidates who wish to serve on SMCSU’s Council must:
For detailed description of each positions of responsibilities, please visit the SMCSU constitution.
he President oversees the implementation of its Constitution, By-Laws, and Policies, as well as promoting and ensuring all USMC rules, regulations and policies are upheld. They shall coordinate the development of an annual plan and programs with the Council. As the face of SMCSU, the President serves as the Council’s main liaison to all external partners.
The Vice-President ensures that, internally, the Council works effectively by maintaining the calendar of events for the Council, preparing meeting agendas and overseeing meeting procedures. The Vice-President supervises the implementation of and in accordance with Council policies. The Vice-President shall chair the Constitution and Bylaws Review Committee annually and coordinate committee assignments in collaboration with the VPs.
The VP Academics helps to promote academics and professional development matters, including connecting students to ways to improve their learning and careers. They will create programming that assists students in their academic life. They will also serve as the liaison between the Council and USMC course unions, the Registrar’s Office, the Principal’s Office and other offices related to academics.
The Vice-President of Athletics is responsible for organizing athletic and The VP Athletics is responsible for organizing athletic and physical fitness activities, oversees the registration and participation of St. Mike’s intramural teams in the U of T intramural league. They also facilitate various sporting events that encourage the participation of students from all levels of fitness and skills.
The VP Arts is responsible for promoting the visual, literary, and performing arts at St. Mike’s. They act as the main liaison between the SMC Troubadours and the SMCSU Council, assisting in the production of the annual musical and sitting on the selection panel and audition panel for the musicals and plays.
The Vice-President of Communications is responsible for creating promotional material such as posters and social media posts. This Councillor is responsible for managing the Council’s primary social media platforms.
The VP Community Life is responsible for creating programming that builds community at USMC and shall promote collaboration between the Council and other student groups, such as St Michael’s College Residence Council, Mentorship, Commuter Dons and clubs. They are responsible for hosting appropriate activities that contribute to the social and cultural life of St. Mike’s students and shall organize the USMC Formal and chair its committee.
The Vice-President of Equity shall advocate for equal access on campus on behalf of all students, and inform the Council about the issues related to equity. This Councillor shall promote opportunities for education and action on equity, diversity, inclusion and accessibility. This councillor shall also serve as the primary liaison between the Council and accessibility groups at USMC and UofT. They will advise the Council and administration on maintaining accessibility features and services at USMC and create programming that celebrates diversity on campus, including events surrounding nation and international celebrations.
The VP Finance is responsible for directing the daily administration of funds, supervising Council expenditures, ensuring that financial records are maintained, preparing a balanced budget and financial statements. The VP Finance shall provide regular financial updates and ensure that SMCSU is as financially transparent as possible. They are responsible for preparing the financial review that will be presented at the SMCSU Annual General Meeting. They are the primary signatory on all SMCSU bank accounts and are directly responsible for signing and distributing reimbursement funds to Councilors and recognized clubs, and shall ensure that the St. Mike’s financial procedures and regulations are properly followed.
The VP International Community Outreach is responsible for supporting and advocating for the interests of international students. This Councilor shall promote community involvement by running events catered to international students and inform international students of the various aspects of studying in a foreign country, such as (but not limited to) tuition, housing, and healthcare. This Councilor shall act as a liaison between the Council and the Centre for International Experience, cultural student groups, and student advocacy groups. This Councilor shall advise the President and the Council on affairs related to the international student community.
The VP Mental Health is responsible for informing the student body of the mental health and available on- and off-campus. This Councilor shall facilitate activities and events related to mental health and general wellness. This Councilor is the primary liaison between the Council and any mental health or accessibility groups at USMC and UofT, including student advocacy groups, and wellness councilors. This Councilor shall regularly inform the Council on the affairs of various mental health, as well as relevant actions taken by the University. This Councilor shall advise the President on affairs to be raised to administration and other governing bodies. This Councilor shall advocate for and lead initiatives to improve the available mental health resources at USMC.
The Vice-President of Spiritual Life shall facilitate activities and events related to faith, spirituality and service, accessible to and inclusive of all Members. This Councillor shall promote inclusive representation of different religious and spiritual beliefs through programming and advocacy.
The VP Student Organizations is responsible for empowering student leadership on campus by supporting the development and maintenance of student organizations at USMC and shall act as the liaison between the Council and recognized clubs. They will chair the USMC Club Recognition Board, which recognizes clubs at USMC and shall manage the Fall and Winter USMC clubs fair as well as the Spring Leadership Opportunity fair and other leadership development programming. They will also work with the Dean’s Office in planning club training and maintaining CCR (Co Curricular Record) accreditation.